Posts tagged with "September2019"

2019 · 01. October 2019
Nervous woman  walking on tightrope.
My most recent Southern Star column explored what's known as impostor syndrome – a sense that you are a fake, someone not nearly as competent as others seem to think, a fraud who has achieved things by fooling others or through luck. The column is reproduced below. ‘I always had this thing where I thought, “What am I doing here? I'm about to get found out. Everybody in the stadium is going to find out I've been getting lucky for years. Everybody in the stadium is going to find out I've...
2019 · 12. September 2019
Do people believe what they want to believe? It's a bit more complicated than that, I argued in last week's Southern Star. The column is reproduced below. Sometimes, you might fall out with someone close to you and think: how can they not see they’re wrong? How can they say black is white? How can they not see what’s right in front of their eyes? It’s often said people believe what they want to believe, but that’s not the whole story. It’s more accurate to say we are prone to...