Posts tagged with "August2024"

2024 · 05. September 2024
Changing unhelpful thinking patterns is important for one’s mental health, but real change requires behavioural change. My latest Southern Star article explores why CBT emphasises the importance of behavioural activation – essentially, adopting helpful behaviour patterns to improve well-being.
2024 · 22. August 2024
Consider your daily worries – deadlines, exams, relationships, finances. Briefly acknowledging them is natural. But dwell on them for a while, and they start to gnaw at your energy. Let them dominate your thoughts all day, and you risk feeling overwhelmed and paralysed, unable to function effectively. My latest Southern Star column explores how to lighten your mental load.
2024 · 08. August 2024
Imagine you’re in a relationship with someone who is usually brilliant, funny and loving. However, this same partner is sometimes the exact opposite, engaging in screaming rages that leave you crushed and bewildered. Do you stay in the relationship, or do you leave? Psychology professor Roy Baumeister was in this position when he was young. Unsure what to do, he kept track of the days spent with his partner, recording which were good, bad and neutral. A few months of data showed they enjoyed...